Citt Williams and Jarramali Kulka began collaborating at a ranger base on Jarramali’s bubu, Kuku Yalanji-Nyungkal country, a land that encompassing the World Heritage tropical rainforests, woodlands and reefs of Australia’s Far North Cape York.
Citt is a film-maker, climate change scientist and communications academic generally living and working on the road. Across her career, she has produced a diverse range of media-related materials for commercial, academic, and inter-governmental clients, and enjoys being amongst the Australian bush when she needs a rest.
Jarramali Kulka is a Bama man who has lived and hunted country for most of his life. He has turned his hand and talents towards many different roles in his community including Indigenous ranger, fisherman, horticulturalist, rugby captain and painter. Jarramali enjoys being in the bush, hunting and walking with adventurous kids, cousin brothers, elders and friends.
How to cite this work:
WILLIAMS, C. and KULKA, J. (2021). Intimate sensing in climate research [RMIT University].